Wednesday, March 30, 2011

QR CODE Lesson Plan

Teacher: Ms. Andrea Bertman

Grade Level: 4

Title: Vincent Van Gogh Art Walk

Brief History and Background: Students will take a virtual “Art Walk” of Van Gogh’s artwork, discussing different artwork and answering questions.

Standards: 9.1 a, c, d 9.2 a, b, c, e 9.3 a, d, e

Goal: The students will look at Van Gogh’s collection of work and learn about him as an artist. They will learn through a virtual gallery “Art Walk.”


  • Students will be able to recognize Van Gogh’s artwork through a virtual gallery “art walk.”
  • Students will interpret Van Gogh’s artwork as a class discussion.
  • Students will become familiar with QR Codes and the virtual gallery.

Resource Materials/Visual Aides:

Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection

Supplies/Materials: Computers

Teacher Preparation: the teacher will request the use of the computer lab OR create a PREZI for the entire class to view as a whole.


Introduction: The teacher will introduce the students to QR Codes and how to access them. The teacher will briefly discuss how to make them and ask if anyone has seen them before and where? The goal of the lesson will be explained to the students and once the PREZI or computer lab is available the virtual gallery “art walk” will begin. The teacher will lead the class in a discussion about Van Gogh’s work.

Directions: 1. Teacher will explain QR Codes, how they work, what they are and how they can be used in today’s society.

  1. The teacher will then guide the students through the PREZI presentation or the computer lab and start the discussion of Van Gogh’s collection.
  2. The students will be asked to write down the name, date and medium of 3 different artworks they liked, and did not like, and tell why.

Critique/Evaluation/Assessment: The teacher will monitor each students participation and be graded on their research and answers.

Time Budget: 10 min. Introduction

25 min. Research of collection and “artwalk”

10 min. Discussion of what the students found.

Vocabulary: Vincent Van Gogh, Impressionist, PREZI, “Art Walk”


Sunday, March 6, 2011

VTS Web Critique

Norman Rockwell - The Connoisseur
Norman Rockwell Museum - Stockbridge, MA

What's going on in this picture?
What do you see that makes you say that?
What more can you find?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

This is my wordle for chapter 4! Can you guess what I am talking about?
Wordle Lesson Plan
1. Have the students enter the room, sitting at their tables. Each table should have 1 large piece of paper on it, with however many pencils, markers, or crayons. The teacher should introduce the word CITYSCAPE to the students.
2. After discussing what a cityscape is, the students must brainstorm different words that would describe a cityscape. (sand, ocean, sea, beach, umbrella, crabs....etc.)
3. Then the students must create a wordle using the words they brainstormed!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wordle Lesson Plan

Teacher: Andrea Bertman

Grade Level: 2nd

Title: Wordle a cityscape

Brief History and Background:

Many students have trouble expressing their ideas on their own and it is much better to brainstorm and bounce off ideas with other students. The teacher would have the students enter the room, sitting at their tables. Each table should have 1 large piece of paper on it, with however many pencils, markers, or crayons. The teacher will introduce the word CITYSCAPE to the students. After discussing what a cityscape is, the students must brainstorm different words that would describe a cityscape. (buildings, cars, street, sidewalk, people, cabs....etc.) Then the students must create a wordle using the words they brainstormed!


9.2.8.A- Explain the historical, cultural, and social context of an individual work in the arts.

9.2.8.C- Relate works in the arts to varying styles and genre and to the periods in which they were created.

9.3.8.B- Analyze and interpret specific characteristics of works in the arts within each art form

Goal: To create a cityscape using words to describe a city and it’s surroundings


  • Students will be able to discuss their ideas and brainstorm words describing a cityscape.
  • Students will create a cityscape from the words they came up with
  • Students will be able to compare a cityscape to a landscape and seascape.

Resource Materials/Visual Aides:

Images of cityscapes, computer


24‘x30’ white paper, crayons, pencils, markers, 18‘x24’ white paper to draw a cityscape

Teacher Preparation:

The teacher will provide the cityscape images with his/her own examples of the project.


Introduction: Students will enter the room, sitting at their tables. The teacher will then introduce what a cityscape is the the students and show the examples on the board.

Directions:The teacher would have the students enter the room, sitting at their tables. Each table should have 1 large piece of paper on it, with however many pencils, markers, or crayons. The teacher will introduce the word CITYSCAPE to the students. After discussing what a cityscape is, the students must brainstorm different words that would describe a cityscape. (buildings, cars, street, sidewalk, people, cabs....etc.) Then the students must create a wordle using the words they brainstormed!

Critique/Evaluation/Assessment: Once the project is finished, each student will put their piece on the board and have a class discussion about the project, stating what they liked about theirs or another students and why.

Time Budget: 3 Weeks

Vocabulary: Cityscape, buildings, wordle, brainstorm, contrats, depth


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